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文/ 鲁道夫·史代纳(Rudolf Steiner)摘编/凯丽·塞顿(Dr. Kelly Sutton)翻译/汪澎  编辑/熊欣杰

美国人智学医生凯丽·塞顿(Dr. Kelly Sutton)提供了她在研究流感、病毒和病菌的笔记。这是她在几年前埃博拉病毒出现时期,进行的研究,她搜集了一些鲁道夫·史代纳关于感染方面的笔记。








《灵性道路上死亡的呈现》第三讲,1914年5月5日Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path, Lecture 3, May 5, 1914






Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses, Lecture 2


Anthro Medical Therapy: Lecture V



《灵性科学入门》第七讲At the Gates of Spiritual Science, Lecture 7




Anthro Medical Therapy: Lecture 2, April 15, 1921《业力的呈现》第九讲Manifestations of Karma, lecture 9


In 1914, Rudolf Steiner said “people today are haunted by a fear we can compare with the medieval fear of ghosts. It is the fear of germs. … The modern age has lost this belief in the spiritual world; it believes in material things. It therefore has a fear of material beings, be they ever so small….Germs flourish most intensively when we take nothing but materialistic thoughts into sleep with us…(or) live in the center of an epidemic or endemic illness, and (tend) to think of nothing but the sickness all around, filled only with a fear of getting sick….If this fear can be reduced, even a little by, for example, active love and, while tending the sick, forgetting for a time that one might also be infected, the conditions are less favorable for the germs….If people were given thoughts that lead them away from materialism and spur them on to active love out of the spirit, it would serve the future of humanity better.” Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path, May 5, 1914

“In Spiritual domains the danger of infection is infinitely greater than in any physical domain,” Steiner explains (in Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: Metamorphoses of soul forces Feb 13, 1917). The origin of infection in an epidemic occurs on the soul-spiritual level (see Astral Body). An emotional state is the first thing that spreads among people.
Steiner goes on to explain in discussing diphtheria:
“Infection is due to a person becoming an imitator. Indeed, there is a very delicate sensitivity involved in this imitating. … This is because the human organism, by virtue of its imitative tendency, comes to meet the trouble, adjusting itself in an imitative, receptive way as soon as it “perceives” the diphtheric poison. Hence a psychological rebuke, when it is possible in the initial stages, and psychological support by encouragement may well have a favorable effect.” Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical TherapyAnthro Medical Therapy: Lecture V Dornach April 15, 1921

“When the Mongols fell upon the Germans and other Central European peoples, they created a wave of fear and panic. These emotions belong to the astral body, and under such conditions decaying astral substances will flourish. Thus the astral bodies of Europeans became infected and in later generations the infection came out in the physical body, affecting not merely individuals but whole groups of peoples. It emerged as leprosy, that terrible disease which wrought such devastation in the Middle Ages. It was the physical consequence of an influence on the astral body.” (in At the Gates of Spiritual Science Lecture 7 workings of the law of karma in human life)

“Thus both concepts — of primary origin and of infection — are justified,” (Rudolf Steiner in Sp Sci and Med lect 2).
And naturally: “We shall see that it is both reasonable to seek out causes of illness, and reasonable too, out of the ordinary consciousness to take hygienic measures against infection, thus hindering the causes of illness.” (RS in Manifestations of Karma: Karmic Effects Of Our Experiences As Men and Women. Death and Birth In Relationship to Karma, Lecture 9)

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